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News from the Nest
I borrowed this graphic from Aluna Joy's newsletter, isn't it beauteous?
December 2020: Due to circumstances beyond my control, I haven't had a lot of gigs lately! You know what I'm talking about :) But excited to be playing at the Dan Hosker Music Continuum for the first time this year! Check my schedule as always for gig updates! Wear a mask, stay safe, stay well!
January/February 2020: I'm grateful for the opportunity to participate and share music at some very meaningful events, and spending a ton of time creating special music for the upcoming Refugee Sunday at Trinity Lutheran Church, 10th Annual College Brides Walk at Barry University and more! All details here!
October/November 2019: We'll be having lots of fun with art this Fall! I'm conducting a fun art workshop to make Protest Signs as part of Small Press Fair, plus getting ready to play with the Kazoo and Drum Corps at Day of the Dead - this year with lots more ukuleles! Come join us for these terrific free community events! All details and lots more here!
September 2019: I have received a full scholarship to attend the Creating Healthy Communities: Arts + Public Health Florida Conference in Orlando this month, presented by the prestigious UF Center for Arts in Medicine! Please support my attendance by donating here to help cover my transportation, lodging and other expenses! This was a very competitive scholarship and I am thrilled to have the opportunity to attend this high-level conference, one of a series that UF-CAM is convening around the country!
Also this month: HOME Community Day and Ninth Annual 100K Poets and Musicians for Change!
August 2019: Some interesting and thought-provoking shows and events this month, including HOME, Goodstock and Where Are the Children? press conference.... Please peruse my schedule for all details and information!

April~May~June~July 2019: I have been very focused on writing/rewriting music to sing and play for the children and with the witnesses at Homestead Immigrant Children Detention Center - currently the largest Detention Center for Children in the country, and growing every day. I am playing there whenever I can, as well as presenting special Homestead-themed performances elsewhere. Plus my usual mix of art, poetry, music and cultural events! See them all here! And please support my musical Witness in Homestead here!
March 2019: Happy Gigs, Poignant Gigs - See them all here! I hope to see you and play for you soon!

January 2019: New Year, New Venues, New Gigs! Check it out!

December 2018: Special Holiday Jazz and Winter Solstice Concerts this month, playing with wonderful musicians including Strings Attached and Rev. G! Check here for details!

November 2018: My ninth year leading the Kazoo and Drum Corps at Day of the Dead! Check here and here for more details and links!
September 2018: Special poetry events and more! Check my schedule for all info and updates!

August 2018: Please join me for some somber and creative gigs! Poetry, Spoken Word, Music and More - Check my schedule for all details!
June 2018: Music in the Garden - Please join us on Sunday, June 3 for a magical afternoon! All details and more on my schedule....
Winter-Spring 2018: It has been my sad honor these last several months to be called upon to play at several Parkland-related services and vigils. Please check my schedule for more meaningful community art, music and poetry events I will be participating in.

November 2017: Wonderful Kazoo Corps, Day of the Dead, community interfaith and Book Launch events! Check here for all details!

August 29, 2017: Extremely exciting Writing News! My Kind (of) America, a new Chicken Soup for the Soul book featuring my story "Keeper of the Principles" comes out today! Stay tuned for book launch events, podcast and more on my schedule here or in this Facebook group!

June: Exciting Theatre News! I have been cast as a Pirate in this summer's Florida Children's Theatre production of Peter Pan! I played the Flute Minstrel with FLCT in Spamalot a few seasons ago and it was a blast! Please support my participation in this nonprofit production by donating towards my cast fee here!
April and May 2017: Blooming Bean Coffee Company, National Day of Prayer, Rock Kirtan and more! And please support my advanced Arts, Grief and Loss, and Business for Arts education here!
March 2017: So excited to be playing with the brilliant Bard of Boone John Camacho this month, plus much more! Please support my advanced Arts, Grief and Loss, and Business for Arts education here!
February 2017: What a beautiful winter we're having here in Florida! How about some beautiful music to complement it? Please join guitarist extraordinaire Jeff Green and yours truly for the TEA AND COFFEE MINI-TOUR on February 10th & 11th! All details here!

October 2016: Click here to support the Kazoo and Drum Corps at Day of the Dead! Click here to support my attendance at the prestigious Patrons and Sponsors course! Click here to find out where I'm playing this month and in the future! Some cool things coming up!
September 2016: Many wonderful performances this month, from the Mindfulness Bliss Retreat to 9-11 to 100K to Wake Up Miami! Click here for all details on all these and more!
July 2016: On July 4th, I'm declaring my independence from the instability of gig income by taking the course "Patrons and Sponsors for Artists" with the great artist Brainard Carey! Please support my music by donating towards my course fee here!
June 2016: The Quiet Villagers return to The Illustrious Hukilau, I return to the Airport, and John Camacho returns to Miami and the Luna Star Cafe! Details on all these shows and more here!
The Merry Month of May 2016: Mother's Day Tea, Mother's Day Eve Kirtan, and much much more!
April 2016: Happy Earth Day! The Quiet Villagers at the Norton Museum, and yours truly playing on WLRN Radio with Grace Telesco! Details on these and much more here!
March 2016: Wow! Gigs galore! Art openings, Hollywood Music Club, Green Market, and more! Stay tuned, and check out my schedule here for upcoming performances at Anne Kolb Nature Center, Parker Playhouse, Norton Museum, Tunie's and many more!
January 2016: Happy New Year! New Year, New Gigs, and more! Stay tuned, and check out my schedule here for upcoming performances at Wilton Manors Art Expo, Pompano Green Market and more!
September 2015: Some special spiritual and artistic solo Silver Nightingale gigs happening this month and next month! The beautiful Rakhi Meditation, 100 Thousand Poets and Musicians for Change, Everglades Awareness Benefit and more! All details here!
June 2015: The Quiet Villagers are playing at the prestigious International Tiki Festival Hukilau! Woohoo! Come join us on June 13th - all details here! Plus other upcoming shows!
May 2015: The Quiet Villagers have had some great, well-received shows around South Florida, at Arts Garage, Luna Star Cafe, Pembroke Pines Art Fest and many more! Cool shows coming up in the merry month of May too! Plus I'm playing solo at two very special events: Sacred Here (and Miraculous Now) on May 30th - produced by Nerissa Street at Sailboat Bend Artists Lofts - and Poetic Justice on June 6th - produced by Pablo Malco at NSU Museum of Art. Check out details and links for all my upcoming performances here. And click here for Quiet Villagers music, fun facts, videos, schedule and more!
April 2015: I will be playing at the very special Course in Miracles 50th Anniversary Celebration in Boca Raton on April 19th! All details for event registration are on my schedule, please join us for a once in a lifetime gathering!
February 2015: The Quiet Villagers are making our debut at Arts Garage on February 28th! We are very excited that the folks at Arts Garage invited us to be part of their Annual Grunge and Glamour Gala! Other cool shows coming up too, check them out here. And click here for all
Quiet Villagers music, fun facts, videos and more!
Happy Holidays, whatever you celebrate! Please check my
gig schedule for upcoming Quiet Villagers dates and much more!
Happy Thanksgiving!
October/November 2014: Wow! Lots of fun stuff coming up! The Annual UU Poetry Service, Fifth Annual Day of the Dead with our Kazoo and Drum Corps, our seventh Silver and Velvet Musical Meditation, the grand debut of The Quiet Villagers (my new musical ensemble with the illustrious Bonefish Johnny), and more! Stay tuned to my gig schedule for all updates! And please support the Kazoo and Drum Corps' Musical Instrument Giveaway here!
September 2014: Our Silver and Velvet Musical Meditations have been going great! And there was just a wonderful article about them in the Broward-Palm Beach New Times! Come join us Sunday, September 28th at The Velvet House for our next Silver and Velvet Musical Meditation! Please stay tuned to my gig schedule for all updates!
July 2014: I am busy preparing for my next NY tourlette with Colleen Kattau and Dos Equis - we have lots of exciting gigs booked including the Finger Lakes GrassRoots Festival! When I return to Florida, we will have our next lovely Silver and Velvet Musical Meditation on July 27th at the Velvet House. Please check my schedule for all details!
May 2014: Our first Silver and Velvet Musical Meditation was wonderful! We had a beautiful turnout and a wonderful meditation session together. Come join us June 29th at The Velvet House for our next Silver and Velvet Musical Meditation! I'm also booking July shows in New York! Stay tuned to my gig schedule for all updates!
April 2014: I'm starting a new musical meditation series entitled Silver and Velvet! Our first session will be Sunday, May 18 - all details on my schedule page! Come join us for a beautiful, peaceful meditation!
December 2013/January 2014: I am now posting shows for my January Florida tourlette with Colleen Kattau! Please check my schedule page for all dates! We will be playing the Luna Star Cafe, South Florida Folk Festival, Dive Bar, and more dates will be added! Colleen will be here January 11 - 21st!
November 2013: I'm very excited that Colleen Kattau will be coming to South Florida in January 2014 to play a series of shows with me! We have been playing together in NY over the past year and really enjoy making music together! Stay tuned to my schedule page for show dates!
September 2013: I had a wonderful tour to Upstate NY playing with Colleen Kattau, Connie Walters, Jane Zell, Dos Equis, Some Guys and much more! Check my schedule page if you would like to know where I played.
July 2013: We had a great time and a successful run for our Spamalot production! Now I'm looking for my next audition. Here are a big bunch of pictures from our show! You do not have to have a Facebook account to view these:
These were all taken by cast husband and father Darren Handler - what a trooper! And here is another big batch taken by official FLCT Photographer Terry Townsend:
July 2013: Please join us Friday and Saturday, July 19 and 20 at Bailey Hall for our ridiculous hilarious production of the Tony-winning show Spamalot! I'm playing the Flute Minstrel as well as singing and dancing in several company ensembles. Please visit Fort Lauderdale Children's Theatre for all show details and ticket sales - get your tickets now!
May 2013: Moving forward with my budding acting career, I will be appearing in Monty Python's Spamalot with Fort Lauderdale Children's Theatre July 19 and 20! Stay tuned for details!
March 2013: Please join me for Meditation for a Nuclear Free World at 7 PM on March 11,
the second anniversary of
the beginning of the
nuclear disaster at Fukushima.
All details on my gig schedule!

Peace 42 ~ Jacklyn Laflamme
December 2012: For the NINTH year, the wonderful people at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Fort Lauderdale have provided support for my hospice musical sessions from their Endowment Fund. This year they are giving us more than we asked for, which is great, and means we can provide even more musical visits at Broward General Medical Center and other facilities! South Florida Audubon Society continues to be my collaborator and fiscal sponsor for this grant, which is greatly appreciated by one and all. Love those bird people!
May 2012 - HUGE THANKS to everyone who helped support my trip to Syracuse to play at the PeaceSongsCNY CD Release Party! It was a wonderful visit, a real homecoming for me after decades away! The Release Party was chock full of great music, and so is the CD - get yours now! The entire Party was videotaped as well, I will let you know when it's posted online.
April 2012 - Happy Spring! The CD Release Party for PeaceSongsCNY, which includes my "No Nukes Swing", will be held May 6 at Metro Lounge in Syracuse! Please support my attendance by making a donation of any amount here - Thank you!
January 2012 - Happy New Year! I'm excited to annouce that my "No Nukes Swing" will be included in Syracuse Peace Council's first ever compilation CD, PeaceSongsCNY! The CD celebrates SPC's 75 year Anniversary, and means a great deal to me, as I learned so much from my involvement with SPC when I lived in NY. You can help choose the Final Four songs for this CD by voting in an online poll through January 15 - all details here! Can't wait for the CD? Get "No Nukes Swing" now here!
December 20, 2011 - Check out this nice article from the Sun-Sentinel about the Terminal Tunes music program at the airport - I'm one of the musicians! and will be playing there early on Christmas Eve, plus ULOW for a Candlelight Service in the evening - all details on my schedule.... Happy Holidays!
November 21, 2011 - Wow, the Creative Capital workshop was GREAT! Thanks to everyone who donated towards my workshop fee! I am feeling very grateful lately.... Happy Thanksgiving to one and all! I am grateful for YOU!
September 19, 2011 - I just received notice that I have been accepted into a prestigious Creative Capital Artists Development workshop! Please help me attend this important workshop by making a donation towards the workshop fee!
September 2011 - I'm reading at two special Poetry Events this month! Please check my schedule for details!

August 6, 2011 - "No Nukes Swing" is now available worldwide at CD Baby! Next week on iTunes and other music outlets!
August 2, 2011- My "No Nukes Swing" Release Party is this Sunday, August 7!! We are going to have some Very Special music and poetry! Check out my schedule for all the details!
July 29, 2011- Check your copy of Showtime in today's Sun-Sentinel for an article by Beth Feinstein-Bartl about my music! Here's the online version! (but the print version is better because it has a nice pic of me : )
July 11, 2011- Save the date!! August 7 - "No Nukes Swing" Release Party at Radio-Active Records in Fort Lauderdale! Details on my schedule page! It's gonna be FESTIVE!
July 4, 2011 - Happy Indie Day! This independent website will always be action central for my music! However, I have also created a Facebook page for my music news, photos and such. Please click here and Like my page for Silver Nightingale updates!
April 26, 2011 - Today I'm releasing a special recording of the traditional Japanese folk song "Sakura", in conjunction with the 25th anniversary of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster. I offer this music as an aid to all who are meditating, praying and working in support of the people of Japan and the world. Please click here for downloads and additional information.

April 2011 - Thinking a lot about nuclear plants these days? I know I am! Want to educate yourself and learn more? Please visit my Nuclear Free Zone! And stay tuned - I'm working on several music and arts projects involving performances and recordings of Earth-friendly music, poetry and more.... Details TBA!
April 13, 2011 - I just received a Silver President's Volunteer Service Award from President Obama for my hospice work over the past couple decades! I got a lovely silver pin, a personal certificate, and a letter with the Presidential seal signed by President Obama. Way cool....
April 2011 - I just created a new page featuring some cool historical items from the 1970's - 80's women's music scene!
February 2011: The "Songs of War and Politics" CD is out! Proceeds of this CD will help provide musical instruments to returning combat veterans. Get yours now right here: FestivaLink
January 2011: Happy New Year! I'm thrilled to announce that my song "Against the Law" has been chosen for Volume 1 of the "War and Politics" compilation CD which will be released by Folk Alliance International next month! Other artists on the CD include Eliza Gilkyson, Amy Speace, Tom Neilson and the legendary Hazel Dickens - and many more - Details TBA!
October 24, 2010: Calling All Kazoo Players! I'm putting together an All Kazoo Band for the 10/30/10 Fort Lauderdale Day of the Dead Skeleton Processional. To participate in the All Kazoo Band, please contact me ASAP! Event details on my schedule - y'all come out now!!
October 2010: We are having a great time on the radio at Sterling Spin! Please check my schedule regularly for updates on when I'm appearing on the show!
September 2010: The Debut of Sterling Spin - I'm back on the radio with Liz Sterling - yay! This is the fulfillment of a long held dream, please join us! Details on my schedule.
August 2010: After some months in waiting mode, I'm very happy to report that I will be able to perform the hospital music sessions funded by the UUCFL Endowment Fund at Broward General Medical Center, in collaboration with Hospice of Gold Coast, my long-term hospice partner! We will also be holding the annual memorial service at BGMC this year. This will be my 16th year playing at this beautiful interfaith gathering. Please see my schedule for all details.
December 2009: For the sixth year, the wonderful people at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Fort Lauderdale have provided support for my hospice musical sessions from their Endowment Fund. I have a new grant collaborator this year in South Florida Audubon Society, who warmly welcomed the opportunity to be co-applicant for this grant. I've worked with Doug Young and Devin Avery of SFAS on numerous environmental events, and we will be collaborating on more projects in the future! Love those bird people!
July 2009: I just worked my first job as a professional actor, playing Mrs. Muller in the feature film "Criss Cross" with John Schneider (Dukes of Hazard, Smallville, Nip Tuck) - pretty cool! I will let you know when it's released!
September 2008: Check out my article: "How To Be Creative" in the September issue of Natural Awakenings! Read it online or pick up a copy at your local health food, holistic, natural or new age store. Lots of other great articles in this issue as well!
June 2008: Please welcome the newest member of the Silver Nightingale family, my brand new baby Blog of the Nightingale! I hope you will visit, sign up for the feed, and add your comments!
March 2008: Those of you on my e-mail list recently received a request to help me attend the Society for the Arts in Healthcare Annual National Conference, being held this year in Philadelphia, by making donations towards my conference fees. I was going to post the request here as well, but you all responded so quickly and so generously, that I have raised not only the conference fees, but also some additional funds, which will be used to provide musical visits for hospital patients here in South Florida! Thank you so much for your warm-hearted support for my work! If you would like to support musical visits for hospital patients with a donation, please contact me for additional information!
January 2008: For the fifth year, the kind folks at Unitarian Universalist Church of Fort Lauderdale have provided funding for my hospice music program, conducted with the support of Hospice of Gold Coast at North Broward Medical Center. This year the funding source is the Thelma Daniel/Annette Van Howe Social Justice Fund. I/We are so honored to receive support in the name of these two remarkable women! I had the opportunity to play at the induction ceremony when Annette was inducted into the Broward County Women's History Coalition Hall of Fame some years ago, so this is especially meaningful.... Thank you UU!
July, 2007 - Summertime, and the living is easy.... I hope you are enjoying summer, wherever you may be! Here in South Florida, we're lucky, 'cause summer lasts a lot longer here than other places. Of course, if we allow global warming to get worse, a lot more people are going to have a lot more summer! Maybe not so lucky.... I've been thinking about (and taking action on) a lot of environmental subjects this summer, and have a lot of green thoughts to share with you. Watch for my next newsletter, coming soon! To receive my lovely newsletters, please click here and let me know!
February 2007: I've been playing at Holy Cross Hospital for 5 months now and it's going great! Everyone there has been so welcoming and enthusiastic about the music! I play all over the hospital, and for special events, and often visit the Infusion Center (where people receive chemotherapy and other treatments), the Nursery and NICU, the Chapel, the front lobby (which has high ceilings, lots of marble and great acoustics!) and anywhere there are people to play for. I am inordinately proud of my two hospital badges and absolutely love wearing them!
My musical work at North Broward Medical Center, where I have played for almost four years now, continues to be very satisfying, and I have been privileged to play for thousands of patients, family members and staff during that time. I am very grateful to have work which brings so much joy and comfort to others (and to me too)!
For the fourth year, the kind folks at Unitarian Universalist Church of Fort Lauderdale's Endowment Fund have renewed their funding for my hospice music program, conducted with the support of Hospice of Gold Coast at North Broward Medical Center. Thank you UU!
I'm currently working with Hospice of Gold Coast to secure funding to play at Broward General Medical Center's Hospice Unit as well. I'll keep you posted! All funding opportunities and suggestions greatly appreciated!
I'm also working on a comprehensive page about my Hospice and Arts in Healthcare work (and other wonderful work being done in this field around the world). People are always asking me lots of questions about this work, so I decided to make the info available here. This page will be posted as soon as I get it done, it's kind of massive! Stay tuned!
September 25, 2006: I am VERY excited to announce that, in addition to playing regularly at North Broward Medical Center, I will also be playing regularly for patients, visitors and event attendees at Holy Cross Hospital! Details TBA....

August 9, 2006: In conjunction with the Nature, Nukes and Nationalism show tomorrow, I have created a Nuclear Free Zone right here on my website! Please visit any time to learn more about nuclear and environmental issues, and find ways to make our world a better and safer place for ALL who live here!
June 25, 2006: Dear Friends, Happy Summer Solstice! I have just seen the movie "An Inconvenient Truth", and I urge you to see it as soon as possible! And take your friends with you! I believe this could, should, and hopefully will be one of the transformative documents of our time - a turning point in the consciousness of our country - and potentially the rescue of our beloved Planet Earth from the impending doom of Global Warming. For more on this subject, I invite you to attend "Nature, Nukes and Nationalism" - a music and poetry Literary Salon I will be performing in - August 10, 2006 at the Luna Star Cafe.
"A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world."
Oscar Wilde
December 5, 2006 - An Inconvenient Update: The DVD of "An Inconvenient Truth" sold over a million copies in its first week! Al Gore is donating 100% of his profits from this film to the cause, so get your copy now and share it with all your friends!
December 11, 2005: For the third year, the kind folks at Unitarian Universalist Church of Fort Lauderdale's Endowment Fund have renewed their funding for my hospice music program, conducted with the support of Hospice of Gold Coast at North Broward Medical Center. Thank you UU!
September 13, 2005: I've compiled a special page of groups around the country providing aid and support to displaced New Orleans musicians. Click here for my photos of Old New Orleans and articles about exactly who did anticipate the breach of the levees. And I'm happy to report that we raised $7127 for the Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund at our September 10 benefit at Main Street Cafe! Had lots of fun too!!
August 31, 2005: As you may know, I lived in New Orleans for a while, and have always felt a special connection to the city. So the news from New Orleans has left me very sad and angry. If you're feeling that way too, I suggest you read my Open Letter on grief recovery written after September 11, it's very relevant now....
and see my schedule for info on a September 10 benefit for hurricane victims.

A Year of Peaceful Activities

Please join me for my
Birthday Peace Project!
51 Nightingales Peace
Passes are now available!
The Nightrainbow Project
this page will be posted sooner or later, please check back
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