Thank you for all of your enthusiastic support for my musical projects over the years!
For the tenth year, I will be organizing and leading the Kazoo and Drum Corps as part of the Skeleton Processional, for many of us the centerpiece of the November 2 Florida Day of the Dead Celebration. This is a volunteer effort, something I do for fun, and to support this great community celebration! Each year, with the help of a variety of donors and some of my own money, I have purchased $30 - $100 worth of inexpensive but playable kazoos and small percussion instruments to hand out to parade goers and kids along the processional path, who love to join in with the musical fun! Now's the time to kick in a few bucks so we can continue to share the music with everyone who comes out for this year's Skeleton Processional! Additional information about this wonderful event which is actually a whole series of events every year, please visit Florida Day of the Dead! And come march with us on November 2, 2019 for the Kazoo and Drum Corps! If you prefer to Facebook, please join us here: Ukulele, Kazoo and Drum Corps!
If you would like to make a donation of any amount towards the purchase of these musical instruments for the Kazoo and Drum Corps to distribute, I would be very grateful! If you would like to donate instruments for us to give away that day, or have any questions, please contact me!
Please make your donation by October 30, 2019 to allow time for kazoo purchase and preparation before the big day!
To make a secure donation of any amount via PayPal, using a debit or credit card or your PayPal account, please click the button below. This will take you to a page where you can securely enter your donation amount, and credit card or bank info. You do not need to have a PayPal account to donate this way:
If you do have a PayPal account, you can also make a donation by signing into your Paypal account and sending the donation to my e-mail address:
If you wish to send a check or money order, you can send donations to:
Laura Sue Wilansky
The Silver Nightingale
PO Box 24245
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33307-4245
Please make checks and money orders to: Laura Sue Wilansky
If you have any questions about making donations or how I use donations, please feel free to e-mail me.
Please visit this page in the future to see what I'm working on and how you can support my projects.
Thanks for your support, I couldn't do what I do without the support of fans, family and friends!