Neverglades - Home to the fabulous Shack Daddys, one of my all-time favorite bands! Check out all the groovey thangs they're getting into these days.
Pet Da Kat - I always run into these zany music-worshipping folks at the best shows and festivals in town - and out: I first met them in New Orleans at Jazz Fest, but they live here. They make the coolest T-shirts too. Check out their site.
WLRN - 91.3 FM - What can I say about National Public Radio? To say they have disappointed me in the last several years, by dropping massive amounts of their music programming, and doing a lousy job of news coverage during the run up to the war in Iraq, would be an understatement. But I still listen to our local NPR station a lot, and I believe in the concept of community radio, if not always the realization of that concept. I often dream of living in a community with a more eclectic, music-centered radio station like WMNF in Tampa or KCRW in Santa Monica, home of Morning Becomes Eclectic. In the meantime, some of the WLRN shows I enjoy: The Folk and Acoustic Music Show with Michael Stock (Sundays, 2 - 5 PM) is the best, and the only show of its type in our area. And I always try to catch Wait, Wait Don't Tell Me (Saturdays, 11 AM); This American Life (Saturday, Noon and Sunday, 10 AM - it's worth getting up early for!); Talk of the Nation (weekdays, 2 PM); and Fresh Air (weekdays at Noon). South Florida Arts Beat with Ed Bell (Fridays, 1 PM) airs some of the most amazing live musical performances and excellent interviews! I still listen to some of the news and do find that some of it is good, in depth coverage. But in large part NPR news is no longer as progressive as I would like. Here's who is as progressive as I would like:
Mike Malloy Show - This is where I get a lot of my news these days. Mike tells the truth, and airs the info we rarely hear or see anywhere else. Plus they play the best music of any talk show, better than a lot of so-called music radio too! I didn't used to like Mike's ranting, but when I realized that I too scream at the TV or radio every single time Bush opens his mouth, I realized that Mike is screaming for all of us! Mike can be heard in South Florida on 940 AM weeknights from 9 PM to Midnight.
Broward Folk Club - This is one of the nicest, warmest, most dedicated bunch of people I've had the privilege to associate with in South Florida. They give a lot to help create a thriving folk music scene with lots of ongoing events and a great festival every January. Newcomers, professionals and amateurs are always welcome. Visit their site for details. Also check out the South Florida Folk Festival site.
Folk Club of South Florida - Of course, your picture of the fabulous South Florida folk scene would not be complete without a visit to these fine folkies, our sisters (and brothers) to the slightly south, who present many tuneful musical events including the monthly Acoustic Concert Series at Luna Star Cafe in North Miami.
Broward County Cultural Division - Want to know what's going on culturally around South Florida? Their new Cultural Calendar is a great resource! The Cultural Division also puts on a lot of great workshops and other events for the arts community.
The Singers - Okay, this is not a website about actual singers, but rather a family named Singer, who out of their love of music, host a website with a good comprehensive schedule of South Florida folk shows that's updated weekly, sometimes more! So I guess it is about singers after all... pickers too!
Richard Johnson - Richard is simply a brilliant, innovative guitarist who expresses his unique creative vison with THE most incredible technique. And one of the sweetest, self-deprecating guys around the music biz. When you visit his site, check out the reviews section to find out what else I've said about him.
Magda Hiller - Why isn't this woman famous yet? She is an incredibly gifted songwriter and performer, always engaging, entertaining and fun. Plus Magda's a great guitarist and does lovely interpretations of jazz standards. I feel privileged to call her friend. Go see her and take her a piece of cake in tribute.
Heat Beat - This wonderful South Florida publication is one of the best ways to find out about so many of the great jazz and blues musicians who live and work here, and where you can see them play. Their new website listings are even more comprehensive!
South Florida Entertainment Resource - Wanna know where the heck it's going on? Here's the place to find out!
Monica's Home Page - This lovely woman showed up at one of my gigs and sent me a lovely message of support afterwards. Turns out she has a really nifty website too, with lots of information about entertainment, sweet animations, and some very interesting links.
Diane Ward - Why isn't this woman famous yet? Diane is a powerful singer, songwriter, guitarist and performer, a great drummer (in her spare time), and a committed community activist who organized the fundraising recording of "The Gift." See her site for more.
Scott Avery - Scott Avery Rocks! When I say that South Florida is home to a lot of the best musicians in the world (which I say frequently), Scott Avery is one of the people I'm talking about.
The Goods - One of my favorite local bands of all time of all the cities I've ever lived in!
Jamie Anderson - What a woman! This great singer/songwriter is one of the most serious, funniest, and moving performers around... did I mention most honest? Her performances are a delight. Catch her in your neighborhood when you can, she tours a lot!
Richard Gilewitz - This man's guitar playing puts me in a trance, his goofy jokes bring me out of it. I listen to his CD "Voluntary Solitary" a lot!
Universal Lightworkers Conference - Two wonderful women, Karen Schieb and Robin Rose, who bring together powerful teachers, healers, musicians and seekers from all over the world to manifest love and light for everyone everywhere. (This event is currently transforming into a new manifestation - stay tuned for wonderful transformations!)
Inner Voice - A wonderful spiritual website I ran across on the net, with an amazing and fabulous links section.
Children of Light - Visit this site to learn lots of useful information about what is going on in the world these days. I make it a habit to check the Monthly Weather Reports.
All Bird TV - This is a sweet little show on Animal Planet channel with the most fascinating information all about birds.
$uccessWorks - Check out the lovely bird photos on this "success"-ful website, then visit the rest of the site to learn about making your life more Success-Full.
Steven Halpern - The "father of new age music" has a huge catalog of recordings, and his website also features a wealth of interesting and important information about sound and healing, including lots of Steven's articles on the so-called "Mozart Effect." (I call it the "Mozart Marketing Effect!")
Radio Z - The alternative FM radio station in Sarajevo. Serifa Halilovic of international women's peace organization Through Heart to Peace is delivering my tape to them.
Amps, Skins & Strings - Find out how you can help musicians in Sarajevo rebuild their culture and their country. This initiative benefits Trust Sarajevo, a non-profit coalition of artists working to create a new wave of music and art - and a truly multi-cultural Bosnia - after years of war. Radio Z is a member of Trust Sarajevo.
Luke Thomas - Check out this sweet and spiritual musician, who just released his second CD, "Shine." (I'm on it!)
Era of Peace - Visit Patricia Diane Cota-Robles' site to learn the spiritual truths behind everything from low self-esteem to what the New Age really is. Wonderful, detailed explanations of why things are the way they are and what you can do to create the life you desire....
Metaphysical and Spiritual Links - A lovely site with lots of lovely links, created by the lovely Nancy J. Cullen.
Florida Y'All - Want to find out what the heck is happening in Florida? Check out this Florida only Directory and Search Engine!
Amereida - Stephanie and Jorge are not only two of the most eclectic and energetic musicians around, but two of the nicest! Check out their compelling mix of Brazilian, European and American jazz and rhythms. Although flute is just one of many instruments Jorge plays, he's one of my favorite flautists to listen to....
Michele Paris - This multi-talented woman has quickly become a friend to many in South Florida since migrating here from the Big Apple. I expect great things from her! New feature now available on her website: her excellent astrology columns!
Maria-Tinavision - My dear, dear friend Maria-Tina is simply one of the great creative talents of our time, okay, my time anyway. Her multi-faceted jewelry and graphics creations embody the brilliantly-colored, fun, full of light, sacred spirit which is Maria-Tina herself.
The House of Baja - The fun and fabulous website of my very dear friends Andy Bass and Bobbie Williams. Learn about Puppy Preservation, Light Transference and much more!
One Drum - When they're not
playing in exotic locales around the world, they're drumming up
peace, love and social justice around home in the Midwest. We started
playing together in February 2002 and enjoyed it enormously, and
we're planning and looking forward to making more great music
together! I'm currently collaborating with Jeff "Doc" Green of One Drum on a recording project of music for hospital and hospice settings!
Great musicians and great guys!
Wildewood Guest House - a beautifully rustic bed and breakfast in the woods of North Ontario owned and operated by my dear cousin Joey and his partner Barry. A great place to get away from it all!
Swell Cinema - Producers of the wonderful, inspiring film Heart of the Sea, about women's surfing pioneer, community organizer and health activist Rell Sunn. Also visit PBS - Independent Lens for a lot more info about Rell, surfing, Hawaii and this wondrous film!
The Fund for Women Artists - A very cool organization established to promote and support women in all arts disciplines. They have a great directory of artists you can browse and/or join, an excellent newsletter chock full of information, and conduct lots of interesting initiatives on a wide range of issues like freedom of expression, media ownership and images of women in media and the arts.
Horizons Magazine - One of my very favorite spiritual magazines! I always find articles in Horizons that are substantive, educational and inspirational. And there always seems to be something in there that directly addresses whatever little spiritual challenge I'm having at the moment! This is a magazine with integrity. And now you can read the whole thing online if you like that sort of thing!