A sincere thanks to everyone who makes this website, and my music career possible:
You - for visiting!
Greg Steiger - This man was my computer angel for many
years. He kept my computer running beautifully and always got the
out. Without him, you might not be looking at this page right now!
His limitless knowledge of computer stuff never ceases to amaze me
(and I have a degree in Computer Science!) Plus he has a hilariously
great and wacky sense of humor, so it's really fun to get help from
him. He was very instrumental in helping me get this website going,
and I will always be grateful to him for everything he did for me
over the years. I don't know where he is these days, or I'd recommend
his services to you.
Tommy, Ruth and Rose Wilansky - My parents, who made me possible, and help make this website possible.
My mother Ruth and father Tommy upon their graduation from Dalhousie University ..................... My stepmother Rose and father Tommy on vacation somewhere!
Melanie Rieback - Another one of those folks with both music and computer skills, this talented oboist was instrumental in helping create my photo gallery -Thanks, Mel!
Patti Gray at Les Collins - for keeping my hair looking great and being a bud. Call her at 954/258-3785 if you want your hair to look and feel great too!
Trish Riley - for persistently encouraging me to get linked
Mr. Wavrek - My first flute teacher, from grade school until I graduated from high school. I was not the best student and have never been a big fan of practicing, but he did give me a great foundation to build on. Unfortunately, he did not live to see the success I have had as a professional musician. I think of him often, and his three sons, John, Philip and Sousa (no joke!) He was a great musician, but worked as a steelworker to support his family, playing in symphonies and teaching on the side. He had some beautiful flutes, including a gold one, and when he passed away, they went to his good students!
- for some of the animations on this site
Me - for having the courage to follow my dreams, and the commitment to keep doing it every day
Goddess, Archangels Gabriel, Michael and Raphael, Paul and Serena, Karen Fox, my many, many wonderful spiritual teachers, all the musicians who inspire me and help me keep going on a daily basis, and all of you who support me spiritually and emotionally - you know who you are!