Silver Nightingale records at Sacred Sites








A Big Thank You to the following people and organizations who have made donations to support my Sacred Sites Trip and Sacred Sounds Recording (listed in order donation was made):

Musicians Support Group

Diane Adams

Diann Bock Feinroth

Therese Bulmer

Billy Messer



Stevie G.


Andy Bass & Bobbie Williams

Dianne & Alan Collins


Bruce Feldman

Colin & Joanna Tipping

MariaTinaVision, Inc.

Liz & Sig Nagys

Janet Hargus

Karen Fox

Members of
Women of Vision and Action

Lois Pappa

Richard Clarvit, P.A.

Angela and Willie Jackson

Maureen Ritz and members of the Kenley Tuesday night Meditation Circle

Victoria Arias Fraasa

Alice Braga

Eleanor W. Myers

Albert & Rose Wilansky


Leigh Ann Kinney

Charles Brent

Sandy Goldman

Rachel Donelson

Magda Saltzman

Jean Cascio

Linda Lou Nelson
Talent & Entertainment Company

Steve Mitchell


Lucy Chabot

Donna Burton

CC del Verle

Marie & Guy Rock

Kathy Young

Gary A. Haskins

Pete Rimmel (he gave me his last dollar!)

Barbara Lee

Marie Nofsinger

Rev. Kathy Bishop
Independent Unity Church of Fort Lauderdale

Mona Golabek

Helen & Hal Epstein


Leigh G. Bradley

Ann Poole

Janet Schlembach

Maureen O'Neil








Summer Solstice 2000


Dear Friends,

Your support for my Sacred Sites Recording Project has touched me deeply. I feel this work is divinely-guided, and your cards and messages to me about the project glow with the same spirit. This Divine Spirit is providing the means, through your help, for me to create a special recording.

Thanks to you, I spent ten days in May in England and France recording at beautiful, ancient and sacred places in Glastonbury, Aix-en-Provence, Stonehenge, Mont Saint-Michel, Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer and many more. I travelled with a wonderful, supportive group of 12 women, guided by spiritual teacher Michael Mirdad and tour guide extraordinaire Marcus Mason. We climbed mountains, waded in the Mediterranean, laughed, cried and meditated, and ate lots of chocolate! I can still hardly believe I was lucky enough to make this incredible, life-changing journey, but I have the blisters to prove it! I'll post chronicles of my experiences here soon, along with photos from the trip.

The sites I felt most connected with were Chalice Well and the entire Glastonbury area; Cadbury, thought by many to be the location of Camelot; and Tintagel, site of the castle considered to be King Arthur's birthplace. At special spots along the way, I recorded solo flute pieces, including originals Sarajevo and Laura's Lament, and music I love including Ave Maria, Scarborough Faire, Imagine and Song to a Seagull. I also wrote and recorded new, as-yet-unnamed compositions, plus group toning, ambient water and bird sounds, and spontaneous improvisations.

These recordings will be mixed together to create a unique audio experience, a CD I'm calling Return To Avalon, because that is what this journey felt like to me... a return to places I've heard calling me deep in my heart for many years. I believe Return To Avalon will carry the energies of these sacred places into the hearts of listeners as well.

Thanks to fans, friends and family, I've raised over $2000 for this project so far. I paid Grail Productions $1500 towards the trip, and allocated the balance for recording equipment, supplies and other trip expenses. Another $1000 is owed to Grail, who were nice enough to allow me to come on the trip without full advance payment. I'm budgeting an additional $6000 for mixing, mastering, duplication, artwork and other production costs. Robyn Fear has graciously offered to donate a substantial amount of time in her studio to help complete the recording, which will reduce the total needed by $450.

Therefore I estimate it will take an additional $6550 in funding and/or in-kind donations to complete Return To Avalon.

I invite you to become part of this important and meaningful recording project and ask you now to support this project with your donations. If my music has touched you, soothed you, inspired you, comforted or brought you peace, please contribute what you can, whether $1000, $100, $10, or $1. Whatever you can donate, I know it will add up to the amount required! Everyone who donates money or production services will be credited on my website and on the CD itself, unless anonymity is requested. See my website for the list of people who have contributed so far!

Please send your donations to:

Laura Sue Wilansky
PO Box 24245
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33307-4245

Please write Sacred Sites Fund in the notes section of your check or money order.
All funds will be kept in a separate bank account.

You can also help at this time by buying copies of my "Sarabande - Solo Flute Meditations" CD and tape for yourself or your loved ones.

Or come on out to a gig to make your donations and purchases! My schedule is always available here!

Thank you for all your support for my music and for me over the years, and for all the kind words you share with me about my music. You make it possible for me to do the work I love and am called to do, and I deeply appreciate your support and caring.

Love and Blessings,
Laura Sue, the Silver Nightingale

PS If you'd like to receive monthly e-mail notices of my Silver Nightingale news and performance dates, please send your name, address, phone number and e-mail address to me with your donation, or to


Love and Blessings to you all!

Laura Sue, the flautist known as Silver Nightingale






Sacred Sites Project Historical Archives

Click here to see the history of this project as it has evolved....




My Dear Companions on this Journey


These old and new friends helped and supported me in this project in more ways than I can say:

Cathy Greene

Marcus Mason
Check out Marcus's trip to England, Scotland & Ireland, August 6 - 26!

Lynn Matous

Dawn Seiler

Margaret Ann Lembo
The Crystal Garden

Felicie Soliman

Sky Brooks

Lesa Cicciu

Susan Deschenes

Maree McDonald

Seiglinde Davar

Dr. Michael Mirdad

Evelyn Green

* * *

Many thanks also to Robin Rose at Grail Productions and miracle working travel agent Betty at Center for Travel (800/643-0093) who were both very instrumental in helping me make this trip!




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